New Tenancy Laws: The Strata Implications – Part 2

In Part 2 of our Series, We Look At Minimum Housing Standards. Find Out What They Will Mean for Strata. 

Click here to access the New Tenancy Laws: The Impact on Strata. Part 1



Top 3 Takeaways From "New Qld Tenancy Laws: The Impact on Strata - Part 2"


  • Know Who the Occupiers Are

 Any lease more than six months should have details recorded on the body corporate roll, including details of the occupier (tenant) and the agent as well.  

  •  Stay Properly Informed 

 Tenancy law changes are open to being politicised because the different interests are very strongly held – like in strata. Rely upon the appropriate information and advice from agencies such as RTA and BCCM, or seek legal advice.  

  • Get Involved 

There are going to be lots of instances in the coming years where the interactions between occupiers, owners, the body corporate, caretakers and managers will be vital in ensuring things get done in the strata scheme and obligations under both strata and tenancy legislation are met. Take the opportunity to therefore get involved, to protect your interests, whether it be on the committee, in some other volunteer capacity or by simply taking the time to read meeting papers and minutes.


Be Proactive About Building Defects

We recommend resolving any outstanding building defect issues that you have, especially those impacting common areas. You can download our free guide to resolving building defects below.

Download Free Guide

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Hynes Webinar Hosts


Frank Higginson photo

Frank Higginson
Partner & Director @ Hynes Legal

Frank has extensive experience in strata law and is an active participant in the body corporate and management rights industries. He regularly presents at industry events and offers thought leadership on why strata and body corporate disputes need to be resolved in a different way.



Chris Irons photo
Chris Irons
Director & Consultant @ Strata Solve

Formerly Queensland's Commissioner for Body Corporate and Community Management, Chris ' experience in dealing with strata issues and resolving conflict in body corporate is unmatched. Chris bring unmatched experience to the table as well as a unique perspective on solving issues in strata. Chris now heads up strata consultancy firm Strata Solve.